2022 Year In Review

2022 : Intense yet fruitful
A personal message from Jen Kelchner to wrap up 2022.
If we’re being honest, 2022 was incredibly intense and a year packed full of change at every turn. In retrospect, it was a year that birthed decades of observation, application, theory testing, and analysis that gave way to the arrival of Mesh. Mesh is an organizational design concept, methodology and book that was published by myself and Gráinne Hamilton of Interchange this past November.
Instead of some stuffy year-in-review post, I wanted to provide a more personalized message in my own voice to wrap things up in 2022. (But, feel free to scroll below for an overview!)
This year was not an external delivery year. It was an insane and intense amount of creative work from concepts to design to various iterations until the fruition of the publishing of Mesh. As you can imagine, that is an exhausting amount of work.
This year is a great example of the reason I personally have a hard time answering the question, “Hey, Jen, what is it you do exactly?”. The real answer to that question – I make magic happen and get things done. And, usually in an insane amount of time while always wearing multiple hats.
I’d love to talk to you about how I can transform your organization, operations or leaders with the magic that is Mesh. You can schedule a brief consultation chat or pitch your challenge via email before we schedule a call.

Over the course of the year, you'll see how the concept architecture work of 2021 moved into 2022 as content development. We iterated and refined articulation throughout the year until it manifested in the publishing of Mesh - as a book, methodology, design and organizational model.
Actively co-created and collaborated on the concept and architecture of a DAO model for organizational enterprise use including 6 use cases and 3 system models.
We were invited to the in-person event for the Ask the Experts live Q&A broadcast to speak to open leadership in an open organization. In addition, we delivered an interactive session on What blocks open culture to aid in awareness on open source uptake concerns and bridging to the future.
Drawing from prior psychometric assessments we developed in the last 5 years, we built upon these and expanded to view the operationalizing of open culture through three lenses. We co-authored the assessments and aided in the output pathways.
Drawing on our deep expertise, we modified our masterclasses for an online learning experience. This course was a deep dive of content, mini-lessons, tools and resources. We led the design, formatting and content creation after the scripting was complete; including the build out of the learning platform to house the content.
Expanded the 2021 beta community platform we built into the learning management system, member dashboards and knowledge repository. Our involvement was specifically on the design, experience and delivery side.
This year found us editing an open leaders guide for government to meet the insights needed for the LATAM public sector market. We were so pleased to have an opportunity to continue as this is the third edition of the book we have participated in writing.
Drawing from the 2021 concept work for the Interchange Compass and ORBS paired with open, regenerative culture work, the co-authored work became integrated to what we now call Mesh. The authoring, editing, formatting, design, and production of the model, concepts, organizational design and ultimately the book were conducted during this time.
On November 11, we published Mesh: a human-centric organisational design for a decentralised world authored by Gráinne Hamilton and Jen Kelchner. The book is made available via online book retailers in the US, Canada, UK, Europe and Australia.
Prior to exiting The Open Organization Ambassador role, we contributed 30 hours in January to the Community Governance project to review the hidden and undervalued work of contributors, maintainers and ambassadors seeking recognition opportunities to increase engagement.
We were so honored to work under the brand Interchange for 2 years and realize the dream of what became Mesh. The culmination of the work couldn't have been done alone and we are grateful for the journey we took. However, we did choose to exit Interchange and wish our colleagues the best in the future to continue the good works we started!