Red Hat Summit 2018 | Jen Kelchner Speaking on Open Org Workbook

The Open Org Workbook covered in panel session at the Red Hat Summit 2018 in San Francisco

Jen Kelchner will represent our team at the Red Hat Summit in San Francisco on May 8-10, 2018 as part of a panel. The panel is comprised of Open Org Ambassadors who had heavy involvement, along with community members, in writing The Open Org Workbook in 2017.

During the pane session on May 8th, the group will discuss embracing and enacting open culture that are more agile, accountable and innovative.

[Panel Speakers: Bryan Behrenshausen (Red Hat), Jen Kelchner (LDR21), Laura Hilliger (Greenpeace/WeAreOpen Co-op), Jimmy Sjolund (Telia Co.), Heidi Hess von Ludewig (Red Hat) & Sam Knuth (Red Hat)]

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