#8: Using development to move your career
#8: Using development to move your career May 2, 2017 Jen Kelchner Stuck? Define, learn, plan, reframe. Who hasn’t ever felt stuck. Especially in our…
#8: Using development to move your career May 2, 2017 Jen Kelchner Stuck? Define, learn, plan, reframe. Who hasn’t ever felt stuck. Especially in our…
#7: “Build don’t buy ” | Talent Trends with Aaron Atkins April 25, 2017 Jen Kelchner Growing in an iterative, agile fashion to stay on…
#6 : Scaling Without Sacrificing Quality with Aaron Atkins April 18, 2017 Jen Kelchner Changing the game of talent acquisition to meet expectations of the…
#5 : Curating Communities Through Co-Working April 10, 2017 Jen Kelchner Continuing to unpack coworking Part 2: The conversation continues with our leaders in the…
#4 : Curating Communities Through Co-Working April 10, 2017 Jen Kelchner Co-Working as an industry Our guests are leaders in the co-working industry who are…
#3 : Assuming Positive Intent With Sam Knuth of Red Hat April 10, 2017 Jen Kelchner What happens when we assume positive intent? Sam Knuth…
#2 : Introduction to Open Part II with Bryan Behrenshausen of Red Hat April 10, 2017 Jen Kelchner Going Deeper Into Open In Part 2,…
#1 : Introduction to Open Part I with Bryan Behrenshausen April 10, 2017 Jen Kelchner What exactly is Open? Bryan Behrenshausen of Red Hat helps…